Master Mokurai has trained thousands of students in a career spanning over 30 years. Hundreds have progressed to the black belt expertise level. Many who were trained in their youth went on to become doctors, lawyers, rocket scientists, martial art school owners, and university professors. One old black belt student even became an Albuquerque county commissioner! Another, an Army Rangers colonel! This is because of the high standard of excellence that students are taught to embrace. Master Mokurai’s special teaching methods are not for everyone, but certainly for those who want to make a meaningful contribution to their community.

Master Mokurai holds a 7th degree black belt in Taekwondo and a fourth degree black belt in Hapkido. He is also a Silent Thunder monk (a conflation of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and Yoga) and infuses spiritual elements into all of his classes. The abbot of Silent Thunder Temple was Master Bodhidharma for many years. When he left, Master Mokurai became the abbot as well as head instructor.
Silent Thunder is a martial art school that shares the same goal as the Shaolin Temple, which is to emphasize the cultivation of spiritual power through a combination of martial arts, meditation and internal alchemy. We seamlessly blend the teachings of Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and Yoga. Greater understanding of God, attainment of the TAO, and enlightenment can be achieved through dedicated practice. The underlying theme is that whether it is the explosiveness of TAEKWONDO, the uncanny grace of TAI CHI, the disciplined cultivation of spiritual energy from QI GONG, or the internal drama of MEDITATION, the key to success in these arts and life in general lies in each person taking full responsibility for themselves. Step by step, lesson by lesson, we foster the spirit of effort and perseverance, and our consciousness is transmogrified, transformed from patterns of perennial victimhood into a powerhouse of personal victories.
Silent Thunder is a martial art center as well as a monastery that, like the Shaolin Temple of old, integrates the mystical elements of various world religions into its training. Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and yogic meditation are deeply embedded into the Mind, Body and Spirit disciplines. Students are not required to participate in all classes offered (which are offered at separate times), but some welcome the rare opportunity to have all these Oriental arts under one roof, and take full advantage. Morality, character, courtesy and wholesomeness are prerequisites, and new students are accepted only if they are not at odds with the spiritual intent of this private club. Some people of low character are offended by our moral stance, but we remain resolute to teach and follow the Ten Commandments and Buddha’s Five Precepts… ( no lying, stealing, murdering, sexual perversion, intoxicants).
Silent Thunder monks take the Ten Vows which involve the Five Precepts, consuming only health food, striving for spiritual wealth instead of monetary wealth, maintaining a discipline of martial art training and internal alchemical exercises, celibacy, dedicating their lives to martial arts, meditation and God.
Master Mokurai is an ordained monk, and is not allowed, by the nature of his vows, to profit financially from his teachings. All donations go toward rent, utilities and temple maintenance. Any surplus is spent on equipment improvements. He teaches for free because he feels karmically assigned to, because he loves to and because that’s what Silent Thunder monk-teachers do.
1. Instead of killing by the sword, murdering by disrespect, destroying by defining,
shall you be a champion for all sentient beings?
2. Instead of taking what is not offered, demanding what you have not earned,
conniving for egotistical gain,
shall you be a champion in restraint from theft?
3. Instead of choosing pleasure over Spirit, condoning or participating in what is perverse,
submitting to life-force draining urges,
shall you be a champion for celibacy?
4. Instead of enabling the indulgent, neglecting to acknowledge what is real,
pretending you are something you are not,
shall you be a champion for Truth?
5. Instead of seeking comfort from intoxicants
relying on mind-altering substances to do your work for you,
shall you be a champion for natural exuberance?
6. Instead of wasting your human opportunity, settling for mediocrity,
defacing your bodily temple,
shall you be a champion of spiritual energy cultivation?
7. Instead of eating for entertainment, or consolation, or habit,
or consuming what is convenient,
shall you be a champion for natural and nutritious sustenance?
8. Instead of playing the victim and making excuses for personal mistakes,
shall you take full responsibility for your life?
9. Shall you follow Buddha’s Eightfold Path,
meditating daily in preparation for Enlightenment,
even though it might seem impossible?
10. Do you consider all Creation to emanate from God,
and shall you spend your days
in seeking more profound understanding of Him?